Ice Cream  by Susan Mehr


Handed a waffle cone topped with ice cream the size of Mount Everest, are they insane? But what the hell I’m donning the biggest smile and life’s perfect. The rainbow-coloured ice cream is so delicious. Who cares if I’m sitting in a designer pram and dressed in a Baby Armani pink frock! I’m still smiling.

Sensuous impulses travel my mouth, and tongue, while hands and fingers become sticky. The icy rainbow coloured luscious cream messes my mouth while covering my forearms down to my elbows and drips into a rainbow puddle on my lap. Life doesn’t get better than this.


Photo prompt Na’ama Yehuda


Friday Fictioneers

33 thoughts on “ICE CREAM

  1. Sweet. Reminds me of my first date with my husband. He had had a huge meal before we met and was far from hungry but when I suggested an ice cream cone, agreed. He let most of it drip down his hands because he just couldn’t eat it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Way, way too funny. I could not help myself and watch the clip over and over again. I remember dressing my daughter in a plastic art smock when she ate ice cream. Thanks for your comment and thanks for the laugh.


  2. Way, way too funny. I could not help myself and watch the clip over and over again. I remember dressing my daughter in a plastic art smock when she ate ice cream. Thanks for your comment and thanks for the laugh.


    1. of course… vegan, and healthy. I use to make ice cream with fresh very ripe mango and cream in the ice cream machine. One word, yum. I need to try it with Almond milk and coconut milk. You gave me a couple of ideas. 🙂 Thanks.

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